IPA SMA (Biologi dan Kimia)

by Edulab Bio



IPA SMA is a learning application for high school students majoring in science. Currently, the most complete available materials are in high school biology and high school chemistry.The IPA SMA application contains biology class X material, class XI biology material, and class XII biology material. The IPA SMA application also contains class X chemistry materials, class XI chemistry materials, and class XII chemistry materials.This SMA IPA application is a free application without the need to pay for a subscription, so it is very convenient for anyone to use, especially high school students majoring in Science. Available high school biology materials Class X biology * Scope of biology* Virus* Protists* Fungi* Invertebrates Class XI biology * Cell* Plant tissue* Motion system* Blood circulation system* Digestive system* Respiration system* Excretion system* Coordination system* Reproduction system* Immunity system Class XII biology * Growth and development* Cell metabolism* Substance heredity / DNA, RNA, protein synthesis, cell division* Genetics* Evolution* Mutation* Biotechnology Available High School Chemistry Materials Class XI chemistry * Hydrocarbons* Crude oil* Thermochemistry* Reaction rate* Chemical equilibrium* Acid Bases* Salt solution* Buffer solution* Titration* Solubility and Ksp* Colloid system Class XII Chemistry * Colligative properties of solutions* Redox and electrochemical reactions* Main group elements* 3rd Period element* Nitrogen and oxygen-------------------------------Other materials will be updated soonThis application was developed by edulab biohttps://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8992557939898288369 Special thanks to Github.com1. HaarigerHarald who made android youtube extrator | Under MIT Licensehttps://github.com/HaarigerHarald/android-youtubeExtractor2. Ultramega who made elementary periodic table | Under MIT Licensehttps://github.com/ultramega/elementary